
Coach Diary is a unique system that enables coaches to track their athletes performances in various athletic events. The system aggregates all information from mobile application "Athletics Diary", which is available for Android and iOS platforms.

By using this system, coaches can create unique looking graphs to compare and even to predict athletes performances. Also, coaches can define special custom measurements like "flying sprints" or "standing jump", that will be displayed for any number of athletes.

How it works
Athletes install free mobile application "Athletics Diary", which is available for Android and iOS platforms.
Coach or club representative registers his club on this page, and after approval they get a special code for his athletes
Athletes enter the code in "Athletics Diary" mobile application and their data will be available for their coaches

Predict results and improve performance

View your athletes's graph with trend line to predict their next performance, and compare them with other athletes, event by event.

Custom measurements

Coaches can define special custom measurements like "flying sprints" or "standing jump", that will be displayed for any number of athletes. These measurements can also serve as indicators to estimate athlete's performance and risk of injury